Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Whate are your digits..errr..I mean Letters?

ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

When I worked at camp along time ago I took the Myers Brigg test and it tells you four parts of your personality. i really like taking quizzes and I had some time to waste so decided to take it again. About five years ago I was an ENFP, and a year ago I was an ESFJ, and the last three times I have taken it on different websites I have gotten ISFJ...crazy! However, my exroversion and Introversion scores are very close. I think a lot of it might have to do with me moving around so much, it is harder for me to open up to people and lately I would rather stay home than go out, and honestly I have gotten used to spending time with just me! It is pretty interesting to see how your personality is made up of and is pretty insightful! Here is another test you can take online.

So what are your letters?????

Monday, December 24, 2007

Things I find Amusing!

Well I have had some time to waste lately so here is my list of the month!!!

I really like my Ipod it helps work go fast and keeps it entertaining...my favorite artists that play in no paticular order: Shakira, Journey, KT Tunstall, Donavon Frankenreiter, Rilo Kiley, Jack Johnson, Envy Corps, Bon Jovi and the list goes on....

Really stupid show on MTV and VH1...The X-Effect is on right now and I cannot stop watching it.

Target! I love that store....

The sweaters at Old Navy.

Dark Nail polish-I just got my nails done and I love how it looks.

The Office-the only good thing about the strike is that I can catch up on what I have been missing all this time.

The Sex and the City Movie Trailer, I cannot wait until MAY!!!

Banana Peppers, I put them on everything! Yummy!

That is it for now.....

Friday, December 21, 2007

My my my!

I am seriously going to try to blog more....
Well this will officially be my first Christmas all alone in a place I am not too familiar with..hopefully I will survive!!! Dan left for Iowa today, and I have to admit I was fine until after work when I realized I was going to be alone, but now I am doing much better...
Last night we had our Christmas and it was very nice!! I got some good presents and I think Dan liked his too! However, today his flight was delayed until tomorrow at 6:30 in the morning, so hope fully he will make it home!
Work is going well, I am learning a lot and taking in a lot, and I will tell you this much- I am not going to let my self go into debt! scary stuff!

I think I will be making it home to Iowa in January, which is great because everyone will be home..However I was subpoenaed to be in court hearing in Milwaukee with something that happened at work before I left (in July). Unfortunately, it is happening around the same time I want to go home ...So hopefully it will all work out! All right that is all from me for now!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Working Girl

Well my first week of work at my new job is done and now I am about to start week two.

My first two days of work were orientation, which was nice because i wasn't just thrown in the pit to fend for myself. The building I work in is very nice and open. The cubicles are round and open and there is artwork on the walls. I have my own desk with a computer that has two screens, a printer, and a label maker. I have to bring in some pictures and things to decorate it!! I am pretty excited. The building also has a gym and a nice cafeteria!

I work in the service department, making sure people are served with the complaints. It is very interesting to me and I like it quite a bit. I work a lot on the computer, so we can bring in our ipods and headphones! It is a very casual place so we can jeans too! Pretty nice!

So, so far so good! Since I just started work and we aren't open on Christmas Eve, I am going to be staying in Columbus for Christmas, but Dan will be in Iowa! So that will be a weird holiday, but it is ok because i got time off in January so I can come home when everyone else is home!

Last night I had a Christmas party with 4 of my friends from class and it was a lot of fun. on the 14th, my work will be having a party at the Hilton hotel! I cannot wait!

That's my update!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

And I am DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my last day at Applebee's which was exciting and I must say I am feeling relieved!! I start my new job on Monday and cannot wait to get started.
Here are some things I learned working as a server:

1. Tip generously because most people don't and it get frustrating 20% is a good start! Working for $3.43 and hour doesn't add up very fast.

2.Being rude and difficult to your server really doesn't accomplish anything.If anything it makes you look bad. If you don't like the restaurant or are a picky eater and you don't want to tip-eat at home!

3. Don't ignore your server when they are trying to talk to you. It is our job to see if everything is OK....don't get mad or annoyed! Again if you don't like it eat a home!

4. If you don't like the food tell your server right away don't eat it all and expct to get a free meal....

5. We know when people are coming in, trying to get free food......

6. It's Applebee's, you probably aren't going to get the world's finest dining! The menu has burgers and fries nothing too fancy Sorry!

7.Make sure if the server ask if you need anything else to say everything you need at one time. It is frustrating to keep running around for you, especially when there are 3 tables all doing it at the same time!

Ok that is it! I will remember this experience forever and I know I will never look at restaurants the same way again!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks to everyone for the thanksgiving cards and messages, I miss you a lot and hopefully will see you soon!

Dan and I had 2 friends over and we all cooked and ate together, it was a lot of fun! We still have a lot of left overs...We also watched Home Alone- I love that movie.

Today was an interesting day at work- the power went out so we could not serve the guests and had to close. The good news is I got to go home early, the bad news is no tips....I guess that is why it is called Black Friday!

Last weekend was Dan and my 2 year anniversary. We went out to eat and I got a Ipod Nano!
It is very small and I always think I am gong to break it but I like it.

I am so excited to start my new job, I went in last week and signed the acceptance letter and took a pee test. Now I just have to wait until Dec. 3rd to start!

Also I got some Christmas shopping done. I took some names off a tree at work that had foster kids names and what they wanted for Christmas on them. We have the presents ready and hopefully they will enjoy them!

Tonight we watched Rocky Balboa and it was good. I recommend it!

I think that is all that is new with me! I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Everything is coming up Milhouse!

It is official! I got a new job with Manley Deas and Kochalski! I will be working in the service department and I am very excited! I think I will be making about $30,000 a year- which is a huge step up! I am excited I will be done with Applebee's too!

I am still not sure what my plans are for Christmas once, I know I will let you all know!

This Saturday ( Nov. 17th) is Dan and my 2 year anniversary and w have a lot to celebrate! I hope everyone is doing fantastic!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Think of me on Thursday!

Thank you all for keeping me from getting to down! I have some good news, I actually have a job interview with a law firm that deals with bankruptcy and foreclosure =]! The interview is Thursday @ 3:30 ( that is 2:30 for you central time zoners). The website is here Keep me in your prayers and I will keep you posted!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


It has been awhile since I last wrote! Sorry! There really isn't anything new or exciting to write about! I have sent out about 8 resumes this last week so hopefully something will come through for me soon! I am starting to get a little down, but I know I am going through this for a reason, I just hope I find out why soon. I really didn't do much for Halloween, but that is ok! We rented some scary movies and went out to eat with some friends, so no costumes this year-maybe next year! I will write more later =]! FINALLY! We took pics of the apartment!

The long awaited apartment pics!
Click Here!
Pictures of Life in Columbus so far!
Click here!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

And it goes like this....

So, I had my first bad day at work! But I made it through and I have to go back tomorrow. I don't think I was made to be a waitress. Luckily, I sent out my resume to a couple places, so hopefully it will turn out alright.
Things have been a little stressful for me lately, I am not making a whole lot of money and it is constantly y on my mind. I try not to worry about it, but we all know how that goes.
I am trying to stay positive and hopefully things will start to come around soon. Never once in my classes in college did I hear a professor say, hey life is going to suck for awhile why you are trying to make it....But I don't know if I would have listened anyway.

School is good and I like it a lot! Hopefully I can find a job as a paralegal someday =]!

On a Brighter Note: I won a TV from Applebee's ( it is 42 inches), but I haven't gotten it yet...Hopefully I will before I leave there, it would be a nice consolation prize!

Also here is a list of 5 things I love:
1. Count Chocula- yummy!
2. Veggie Burgers- you can buy them in the freezer section- they are good!
3. I just started watching The Office and it is pretty funny!
4. Sarah Jessica Parker's Line- Bitten- cheap and fabulous!
5. Going on walks at night for coffee breaks =]

p.s. Is anyone else watching Heroes??!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Welcome To AppleBees

Sorry I haven't written on here in forever, but I have been busy busy busy with school, socializing and, leaving and starting jobs.

School is going well, I am working on a memo and it is hard, but I am getting the gist of of it and have been working away on it all week my goal is to be done with it tonight and to edit and correct cites on Thurs and Fri and hand it in on Sat! It is just a rough draft so I am not to worried about it!

Well, I am officially done with my job which means no more work blogging. It was a good experience, and I know that may not be the place for me after all. My boss was interesting but she did send my resume and a letter of recommendation to the Attorney General's office- so that was nice. We had pizza and I got flowers on my last day, which was very nice and thoughtful!

Yesterday was my first day at AppleBees, which was interesting. I am happy with the schedule because I feel it works better with school. The environment there is laid back and fun, so I am sure it will be good for the time being. I watched a lot of training videos and shadowed people. Tomorrow I will start my second day of official training! So wish me luck!!!

Last weekend I went to my first Buckeye's game at a bar with Dan and some friends from my class. It was pretty wild! The fans here are intense! If you don't believe me come visit on game day!

Dan and I have been pretty busy and haven't seen a lot of each other lately so tonight we are gong on a date =]! I am excited! Hopefully things will slow down and we can post pictures of our apartment soon!!!

Sorry this blog is dry, I just wanted to give a quick update-maybe something more interesting soon!

Now- back to my paper!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fall in Line!

I took this quiz today and thought it was pretty intersting...also I want to know where I came from, because I am pretty sure my score is very different than the rest of my family...

Take The Test HERE

I got 10 which is the same as Hilary...ha!

Monday, September 24, 2007


I don't know what is, but the nostalgia is strong this week. Maybe it is the fall weather, or maybe it is the fact I have time to sit around at work and think. I am gald I have the memories of my friends, family and fun! Lately I have been wondering where has all the time gone? It feels like I should still be finishing up my senior in college, but that was 2 years ago already.

Does time fly by this fast your whole life or does it ever slow down?

I like Columbus, but sometimes it is hard being out of the loop of my friend's shenanigans and get togethers, but I am making my own friends and settling in just fine here.

It is interesting where life leads us and lets us settle down before picking us up and making us replant our roots somewhere else.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Things I find amusing part 2

This is my list for the month =]!
I made it more user friendly!

I really like Maroon 5's new album- especially their newest single: Wake Up Call! I can't stop dancing when I hear it!

I LOVE The Soup with Joel McHale. Best Week Ever comes in second! Both very funny shows which poke fun at the pop culture news events of the week!

Shows that didn't get a fair chance because they are too smart for tv:Arrested Development and Freaks and Geeks! The only problem with Arrested Development is you should watch all the episodes in order and if you miss one it might be confusing. Each episode plays off the one it follows. Seasons of AD are $20 at traget!

The freak of nature that is Chris Crocker---> he has clips all over You Tube, the famous one is him crying and defending Britney Spears...

Which brings me to Britney Spears' Comeback, it was like a train wreck I couldn't stop watching it. I must admit I thought the song was a little catchy!!

IKEA even though the customer service isn't the best...
And Wikipedia! You can find almost anything on there!
Last but not least the Marmaduke bashing blog, it is quite entertaining and is updated regularly!
to be continued....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Off Roading

Here I am at work counting down my last 60 minutes. I have had quite a bit of time to reflect on just about everything that has been going on.

Lately life has been a little weird for me. In my whole life I have seen must of my friends and family take the paved path that is set before them. I always I thought I would too, graduate, get married, find the job of my dreams, and have a family etc. However, I have gotten way off track. At first this used to bug me a little bit, I don't like surprises or not knowing what's coming next. I like things to be safe and predictable, however life has been so much the opposite lately.

Never in my life did I envision myself living in Ohio, going back to school, or working interesting jobs...But here I am...I am off that paved path and I am off-roading it!

I may not be married, I may not be working the jobs I am most qualified for, and I may seem like I am out wandering around without a plan or map. BUT, I am doing the best I can, maybe I will find a shortcut to the final destination, or maybe I will have a few detours along the way. Either way this is MY life and I am only going to live up to MY expectations.

I am starting to realize my path may be a little dirty, scary, bumpy, and often times a little bit lonely. But I am embracing it and learning it is just fabulous!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Strangely Fascinating!

The job search is moving slowly...but maybe something will come up soon! I still try to apply to one everyday....keep praying!

On a lighter note:

This is too funny! It is a Gorilla playing the drums to Phil Collins:

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


This last weekend was spent driving all over the Midwest to visit friends and family! Dan and I logged on 1450 miles in 4 days! It was great to see everyone, even if it was brief, and we are both grateful to everyone for making time and room for us!

We got the privilege to play Karaoke Revolution, which is very hard when you are tone deaf!
We were also introduced to Wii! It was fun and not mention a good workout!
These movies are funny!
Wii Parody:
Wii Rejects:

(that's us playing cow race)

(we box)

Our apartment is still unorganized, but hopefully we can catch up on it this week! Then I will post pictures!

Also after the trip we can confirm that: Big Girl's Don't Cry-Fergie, Hey There Delilah-Plain White T's, Who Knew-Pink and Rockstar-Nickelback- are the most overplayed songs on the radio =]!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Things I find amusing part 1

This picture!

The new web phenomena : http://www.lolcats.com/ I don't understand why it is so big...It is weird, but makes me laugh that people spend time making their cats say such weird things.

The show the Singin Bee, it is obnoxious but the people in the audience are FUNNY to watch. Also Dan and I saw one of the singers in the band from the show, Tom Satori, at a bar in CBUS he was pretty good!

Pandora Radio- I don't remember the website, but it works great in the workplace...you put in the artist you like and plays songs from that artist and similar artisits.

Cereal with Chocolate in it- Life and Special K

The video game Starwars Batttle Ground-I love it!!!!! Also Mario SmashBrothers!

Our weird neighbors, what will they do next??

Getting my haircut at a new salon- I loved it! Lucky 13 is the name of the salon!

to be continued....

I'm a little rusty!

Ok...I don't have any more excuses to not blog. So here I am =]! I had to make a new site because my old one isn't working, or maybe it is the computer...

I am in Columbus and in our new apartment FINALLY! We, Dan andI, moved everything ourselves. And let me tell you, that sure was an experience. It is interesting figuring out the other person's quirks and habits, especially when they are used to living alone, but it isn't that bad.

School is going well, I really enjoy it! I am keeping up with class discussions and am learning alot. It is har for me to talk in legalese, but you don't have to do it much! My class is intersting, a big range in ages and there are a few characters in there. It is entertaining to say the least.

Work is a different story, I really don't do a whole lot and get paid well for doing it...My boss is neurotic, stuck in her ways, is nosy and likes to have religious/political discussions.However, I don't reallly agree with her she just assumes everyone does, because as we know she is right, so why wouldn't we. =] She also makes julia ( the girl I work with) and I to do a lot of manual labor. She tried to get me to crawl up a crappy ladder and irefused 4 times before she let it go...But, work is work. Hopefully something will open up soon!

Dan and I are making our trek to Iowa tonight! I am excited, hopefully we will get to see everyone!

That's all I have to say about that =]