Things have been going good lately, and as a result haven't been able to update as much as I would like. I cannot believe it is October already-even though it still feels like summer here. I remember when I was little and October was cold!!!
Dan's dad came and visited this weekend. It was a lot of fun we went out to eat adn to a festival in Grandview.We also love to have visitor's (wink).
Anyways I have been reading my friend's blogs and this
ONE has inspired me to write a little bit about Halloween, which is also one of my favorite holidays.
The other day I was driving and I saw some decorations that put a chill down my spine...not because they were supposed to be scary. It was like a witch doll, but very cartoonish looking and a mummy and they were hanging lifelessly in the tree. It really creeped me out. So here is a tip when decorating...let's not hang bodies from the trees...
Also I love costumes! You may (or may not) remember past (recent) years as a fem-bot and a girl gone wild. In middle school I won contests for being a Ty beanie baby and a Hershey kiss. And this year work is doing a contest, but I am coming up with costume (?) block.
I thought I could be Meredith from the office...and put a bat on my head and carry around a big gulp. But not everyone watches the show...Any suggestions??
Our friends are also excited about having a party this year- so Dan and I need to come up with something good...we have a few ideas, but maybe you have more? Oh and Raggedy Ann and Andy is out of the question...