Monday,November 17, was our three year anniversary. I was at bible study until 9 and when I came home to Dan. When I got home there were a dozen roses on the counter and Dan was chopping away and getting supper ready. I felt bad because we already bought each other gifts a week ago and I didn't really get him anything for the actual day. Dinner was wonderful it was pasts with vodka cream sauce, wine, and tiramisu for desert. After supper we were standing in the kitchen and Dan got down on one knee and said will you marry me. And I said yes of course! It was sweet and perfect.
Was I surprised? A little but, as you may know I hate surprises and Dan doesn't really keep secrets all that well. I was surprised in the way it was done and that it was on a Monday night!
The ring is beautiful. Dan did a great job picking it out! It is an Emerald cut in a single setting. The band s white gold. Our camera is not good quality, good thing I asked for one for Christmas. So once I get my lovely sister to take a better picture I will post those :).
There really are no real plans yet, once there are I will let you all know!
Thanks for all the well wishes, I am truly blessed to have such great friends!