Ok, so in a previous
entry I wrote about my experience running and said I would give more detail on that later...Well it is later...
I decided since I was done with school, I should start running again. I must admit I felt really good the first day back, but the next two days I was sore and not that excited. It is a lot like the New Balance
Commercials, I am in a Love/Hate relationship with running. In
High school running was my life. I loved it and I was pretty good at it. In college, I didn't have state meets to look forward to and I didn't want to make the time for running. I would start but the excitement didn't last long. I was once again excited about running, I felt good and had a lot more
energy throughout the day and it was good time to just think and be by myself.
Two weeks ago I was in love with running. I had not looked forward to running in a long time, and for once I thought I finally got back into a healthy happy
relationship with it.
That is until a very stupid ignorant man ruined it for me...
It was a Thursday and Dan was teaching a night class, so I thought I could run to the park and be done before he got back. The Park is about three blocks from my house. It has tennis courts, the library, trails, softball/baseball fields, and soccer fields, and much much more. It is a very busy place and I
usually felt pretty safe. I would go a little way on on one of the trials but I was never really
alone. There were bike riders and other runners and walkers that passed frequently. I never wear my
ipod running outside and I am always aware of what is going on around me. I did not have my phone though.
Anyways I finish my run and I go to an open field to do strides. It is a cool down that involves a little speed work.
Anyways it is about 70 meters from the road. There was a guy taking pictures of trees right by me and a baseball game starting about 200 meters from me.
I was wearing an
over sized tshirt and shorts. I was resting between my strides and I hear someone yell HEY SEXY. I looked and saw a white van driving by. I was like
ok it is just a nasty jerk. This,
unfortunately was not the first time I have had this happen ( I am sure other girls can agree, it is not that unusual to have happen anymore). So I kept running across the field closer to the baseball game.
This time I look over and see the van drive by the other way and slam on his brakes. This time I was like IS THIS FOR REAL? I started getting
closer to where the people were and then I saw the van come back again and pull into the parking lot between me and the
baseball game. He was driving very slowly and I could feel the creep staring at me...I could not see him, just the shadows that covered him
and that is is what
creeped me
out the most. I didn't have my phone and I couldn't see his license plates. I honestly didn't know what to do. I didn't want to act afraid, because that is what creeps feed on and I did not want to lead him on in anyway. Luckily there were people getting folding chairs out of their car so I started walking towards them and
the van drove away.
I was so angry
because now I was afraid to walk home because what if I got followed. I stayed by the baseball game for few minutes and went home. I stopped about every 6 steps to make sure I was not followed.
When I got home and started to think about what just happened, I got pretty scared. Before I was really just angry.
I am still pretty mad, because now I do not
want to run there or by myself. It took away my freedom to be
comfortable of my surroundings and be able to
exercise by myself. Maybe I am over reacting, but if that guy was weird enough to do that, what else was he
capable of?
I know that if my son ever treated a woman like that he would not be happy about that decision.
I hope that he is not harassing other people there, because it really is a neat park. Hopefully I can find somewhere else
to workout soon. I miss running!
And as much as I love Dan, it is hard t run with him, because he have different paces and different styles of running. Also
every time he runs with me I am reminded how my alone time was taken from me because of some stupid
I know self defense and I know not to get into cars with strangers. But that doesn't mean I am prepared for every situation, and that is what scares me