This is my hair a year ago

A side view

Behind the ear

The front view
Besides my haircut, life isn't too exciting here. My graduation is tomorrow and then I will officially be a certified paralegal, and let me remind you there are few in the country that are certified through the bar association. But sorry folks, I still cannot give out legal advice.
Dan has started his official break and will be going to Spain in a few weeks. Next weekend we will be traveling to Milwaukee to see Talitha and Darren. I will also get to help at the courthouse with restraining orders as well.
I am also trying to start new hobbies with my free time. Any suggestions? I am going to try sewing again. I did start running, but after a run in with a creepy man in a van am not to keen on going anywhere by myself for awhile. (I will write more about that later). Dan and I will hopefully think of a workout for the both of us to do soon. I also joined a soccer league and our team is called the Vampire Penguins, I am really excited and am hoping to meet some new people and learn a little more about soccer...But now that I have more free time I am looking for new things to try, so please let me know if there are any hobbies you enjoy doing that I could try.
i totally agree with the short hair! Long hair just means pony tails! miss you and good luck with soccer...didn't you play that in elementary with a PACK league or something??
I love the short hair! You wear it well!
OK, you'll have to share the creepy van story, because it is freaking me out!! NEVER let ANYONE get you into a car, but I think you already know that :)
Have you tried knitting or crochet? Once you learn it, it's fun! Lots of places have knitting classes or workshops--it would only take a night or two to learn the basics, and then you know enough to make scarves for Christmas gifts :)
Short hair looks good!!
Learn to play cribbage, then teach your caveman bf. :)
I'm starting to dabble in cake decorating, Ace of Cakes style, way fun!
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