Friday, October 17, 2008

Dream Job!

It is FRIDAY!!!! When I was younger, I could never really relate to Loverboy's song, "Working for the Weekend"-but it really resonated with me this week. I am very glad it was Friday!

Today I was thinking, what would I would my dream job be? What would I do if I could do any job? I thought a bit and came up with a few options...In the fashion world-I think it would be fun to source fabrics for designers to wear. So I would go around and pick out textiles/fabrics from different vendors. Also another job would be to be a stylist who picks out outfits for a cast of a show or movie.

Another job I think I would like is to pick out the music for movie soundtracks. I love music and I love making mixed cds (even though it isn't cool to make cds anymore. In college I wored on the radio and loved making play lists. I think it would be fun.

Obviously, these are probably careers I would never pursue but it is fun to think about when days are slow at my current job =)!

So if you could do anything what would you do???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to start my own creative services business someday or bea brand consultant... we'll see if it happens...