A lot of people are writing how she has become a big inspiration to them. I am about to do the same, but not because of the reason you may think. Yes, I do believe she is the poster child of following your dreams and anything can happen; however I am more impressed with her self confidence and self esteem. Every time I open up a a magazine or watch TV, I am ambushed with tirades of weight loss pills, tips for plastic surgery, how to get the body you always wanted and so on. Not to mention all the negative coverage on celebrities that may have gained some weight... I always try to avoid feeling inadequate but when it is a constant reminder, it is hard not too. Luckily, I am comfortable with the fact that most of these people are airbrushed and they don't even look like that in real life. I can't help but wonder how it is affecting millions of teen girls, and soon, my nieces. SO how does this relate to Susan Boyle? Well after she had hit it bog time, she was interviewed over and over again. There was one question that I thought was completely out of line, and if someone asked me it, I would probably never come out of hiding. An interviewer asked if she would like a makeover or if she wanted one.
I cringed when I heard it. But Susan answered truthfully and said no, why should I? I think if I wasn't in my work break room I would have stood up and cheered. She new she was talented and she was happy with who she is. I don't see that very often anymore. We live in a society where we are trained to pick out our flaws and fixate on them until we correct them instead of embracing them. A society where aging gracefully isn't really an option. I hope others saw this as as an inspiration too. WE are all beautiful and we don't need to look like barbie to think so.
It was relief to see that some people are happy with who they are. This is the definition of true beauty.
1 comment:
so true and well said! and damn can she sing!!
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