I know I have been blogging about how I should get a hobby or do something besides sitting on my couch staring at screens (TV and Computer) all night.Good news, I have taken up crocheting and making paper beads and dabbling in a little painting. It is really good to take a break from wedding planning and mindless drivel on the television and hours wasted on facebook. Actually I used to really get into crafts when I was younger. I was a friendship bracelet machine and owned literally every color of floss there was. I also made a lot of beaded jewelry in high school. I also did a lot of lanyard making. Then in college I just sort of quit doing crafty things. I must say it is really nice to start getting back into do something I enjoy. I do workout 4 times a week. Is it a good stress reliever? Yes. Is it good for me? Yes. Do I enjoy it? NO.
So, how did I finally find my way back to crafts? We have been spending a lot of time in Michael's and JoAnn's getting stuff, and I always look around to see what else is going on there. Also, a few weeks ago, Jamie, Katie, and Derek came to visit us. It was a lot of fun and it was GREAT to see them. We went to the North Market one afternoon and outside they had a bunch of little tables set up with jewelry and crafts. We found some really cool necklace charms made out of scrabble tiles. It reminded me of when I made toothbrush bracelets. And the spark was ignited....
I once started teaching myself how to crochet, but then got distracted and stopped. I have decided to pick up where I left off.
Crocheting reminds me a lot of making friendship bracelets and maybe this is why I am whizzing through the learn how to crochet book. Maybe it really isn't all that difficult?!? Dan is excited because he will finally get a stocking hat that will fit his head.
Dan has also been painting lately. Here are his two latest pictures.
Also, now I have started visiting craft stores again. I went to one today and it was super cool. It is called Wholly Craft. There were so many cool things there. I wanted to buy them all! I love having handmade stuff because it is so unique and there is story behind it. I know most people that read this are not in Columbus, but if you like artsy, handmade stuff you can go HERE, a lot of the people who make things for Wholly Craft sell stuff on here too!
I am really excited to get finally start making things like blankets, hats and dog sweaters! Now I have something to do on my way back to Iowa next weekend!!
That's enough screen time for me, back to my yarn!
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