And most importantly no Penises. That's right, I had my bachelorette party a week ago. And yes, it was not annoying one. It was really great to see my friends in college and bring Kim to Iowa! We got our nails done, had a great sushi and went out and about in Iowa City. Lots of girl talk and drinks! It was a great night and I would not have wanted it any other way. I am so thankful my friends went to all the trouble of planning and organizing the whole thing! It was a blasty and I wish I could do it every weekend.
I was really nervous about having a bachelorette party, because all the ones I have see around town the bride is obscenely drunk, wearing veils with condoms in them, carrying a giant inflatable penis around, wearing a a suck for buck shirt with life savers sewn to them, boas, crowns, and other obnoxious shenanigans going on. I honeatly don't understand why there are penises everywhere at these parties either. Can anyone shed some light on this?? I did not want to be ap art of that, first of all it is extremely annoying, second, tacky and third I think it is a little disrespectful to the groom. It just isn't for me...Anyways my party was not like that we dressed up and went out. We did see a bunch of other parties though... Good Times!
Thanks again to all who made it possible! You are the best friends a girl could ask for!
The wedding is less than a month away!!
1 comment:
Nice granny panties ;)
Looks like you guys had fun, and love the dresses!! Glad it was not tacky; I know you would have been annoyed the whole night. Your friends know you well!!
How was Dan's bachelor party??
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