Monday, January 28, 2008

Always the Bridesmaid!


At the end of July I get to be in my best friend Eric's wedding! I am super excited and I get to stand on his side, so I guess I am a groomsman! Anyways Laura told me that she doesn't care what dresses we get as long as they are black! I haven't tried any on, but here ones I like! What do you think?? I need some feed back!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I've been pretty busy lately, unfortunately I am busy with things that aren't too exciting! Last weekend I got to go back to Iowa, and though it was very cold, I am glad I got see everyone! Also it was a great to hang and catch up with everyone, the little ones are growing up fast. Last night was Dan's birthday party and I am still recovering, can't party like I used to I guess....

That is about it, I just thought I would update....
I will write more later this week, when I am not so busy!

Monday, January 7, 2008

First Post of the New Year!

Yikes, I am falling a little behind on my posting....

Well let's see I had a pretty nice Birthday, thanks for all the notes, cards, calls, thoughts and prayers I got on my birthday! It means a lot to me that I have such an awesome circle of family and friends! I am glad I will finally be getting to see you soon.

For my birthday Dan and I went to dinner at P.F. Changs...i love it...try the mushu pork it is yummy! We also went to the movie Juno- it was cute and witty and it is worth seeing. We also saw Walk Hard-which is funny!!!

Dan got Guitar Hero and we have been playing it, but I am not as good as him, so I watch him play a lot...I should put up some pictures soon!

Other than that not a whole lot is gong on. the big championship game is on..and right now OSU is not doing too good!