Sunday, March 30, 2008

Saturday, March 29, 2008

What's the deal with...

Me forgetting to post on my blog?? I guess I just forget to keep it updated, plus there isn't much to update on!

I got a new laptop, because Dan's desktop died and there was no way we could share a computer. I love it! It is a white 13 inch macbook. It is very nice and I enjoy having my own computer! So I guess it is official, I am a mac girl!

Easter was pretty low key here, we spent the day watching the NCAA tourney and had supper at Buffalo Wild Wings! By the way my bracket is doing horribly, but I do love March Madness.

Work and school are still going well, nothing to exciting to report on here...Oh I worked on my first Saturday ever today. I got some overtime for helping archive cases! It was only two hours so it wasn't bad.

Let's see...Dan took me to the second City Touring Improv Troupe last weekend. I must say it was very funny and I miss performing a lot. It also inspired a very good Halloween costume! I cannot wait to try it out.

Well that is about it for me...I'll write more later! ( I promise)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Buried in SNOW!

Sorry about the lack of updates, but there has been a shortage of exciting and fun in my Ohioan life. Pretty much I get up go to work, go to school (or do homework), go to bed and repeat.

Last week my friends from Milwaukee, Talitha and Darren, came to visit. it was a blast, we showed them the sites of Columbus and ate a lot of good food. We also bought American Idol Karaoke, which is a lot of fun. The microphone judges your pitch....It is a little hard, but a lot of fun and is pretty funny!

On Friday and Saturday Columbus got dumped on with snow. About 20.4 inches to be exact, but this morning, I looked out the window and could see slush and pavement on the roads. A lot of things were closed and canceled including my Saturday class,which means I got to sleep in.

Other than that not much is going on here. Dan has finals this week, which mean this quarter will finally be over! And I am just doing the same old!