Sunday, February 24, 2008

That does it, I am eloping!

It all started last Saturday when I went and got a bridesmaid's dress for m best friend's wedding. I had to get the dress by myself because everyone is in Iowa. I was thinking this will be fast....HA! I went to David's Bridal, and when I got inside it was like an instant feeling of stress and anxiety poured over me. I looked through the dresses and found the ones I liked and went to try them on and low and behold I had to meet with a consultant before I could try them on. There were a bout 50 people in this tiny little store. Bridesmaids fighting bout what they think looked best, crazy mothers of the bride, a bride and groom fighting, and a bunch of crazy consultants. It was a bit overwhelming to say the least.... Anyways I did find the dress I wanted, and got it ordered and got the heck out of there!

Now, it is very possible that I am over reacting, but I would like to have my wedding day be more than a circus fiasco! When I got in the car the first thing I told Dan was that I am eloping! But I think there is some time before I have to figure all of that out!

It bothers me how much the industry sucked the fun out of the wedding day. That's all I will say about that for now.....

To see the dress that caused all the fiasco click here.

Last night we saw Be Kind and Rewind, it was very funny. I recommend it!
We also saw A Pursuit of Happyness and it was good too, a little depressing though.

I passed my classes last quarter, and I really enjoy my current classes.

Life is good!

(Anyone else watching American Idol?)

Friday, February 8, 2008

It's sew Time!

I am done with my 2nd quarter of school, which means I am half done =] and I have time to catch up on the blog!
It seems like everyone is getting snow, but we are mostly getting lots of rain and warmer weather.
Also, THIS is fashion week and I am pumped! You can go here and look through all the shows you want and make a profile and you can save your favorite pieces. I love Badgely Mischka, Ana Sui and Phillip Lim....however the lines are really drab this year.I spent a lot of time on there yesterday. The Project Runway show was this morning at 9...You can see everyone's lines...Be careful if you don't want to know!
Because of the writer's strike and our new Netflix subscription Dan and I have been watching a lot of movies lately. My current favorites are Once and Little Miss Sunshine.
Unfortunately that is all that is exciting here!!
This makes me laugh!

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