Monday, September 24, 2007


I don't know what is, but the nostalgia is strong this week. Maybe it is the fall weather, or maybe it is the fact I have time to sit around at work and think. I am gald I have the memories of my friends, family and fun! Lately I have been wondering where has all the time gone? It feels like I should still be finishing up my senior in college, but that was 2 years ago already.

Does time fly by this fast your whole life or does it ever slow down?

I like Columbus, but sometimes it is hard being out of the loop of my friend's shenanigans and get togethers, but I am making my own friends and settling in just fine here.

It is interesting where life leads us and lets us settle down before picking us up and making us replant our roots somewhere else.


Anonymous said...

Yes- time flies by! And if you have kids, then it will REALLY fly by! I have a little paper holder at work that reads "Bloom where God plants you." It's weird to see where you end up in life... geographically, professionally, personally... it's a wild ride!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Erin that time seems to go by faster as you get older, and you realize you shouldn't be in such a "hurry" to grow up :)