Wednesday, October 17, 2007

And it goes like this....

So, I had my first bad day at work! But I made it through and I have to go back tomorrow. I don't think I was made to be a waitress. Luckily, I sent out my resume to a couple places, so hopefully it will turn out alright.
Things have been a little stressful for me lately, I am not making a whole lot of money and it is constantly y on my mind. I try not to worry about it, but we all know how that goes.
I am trying to stay positive and hopefully things will start to come around soon. Never once in my classes in college did I hear a professor say, hey life is going to suck for awhile why you are trying to make it....But I don't know if I would have listened anyway.

School is good and I like it a lot! Hopefully I can find a job as a paralegal someday =]!

On a Brighter Note: I won a TV from Applebee's ( it is 42 inches), but I haven't gotten it yet...Hopefully I will before I leave there, it would be a nice consolation prize!

Also here is a list of 5 things I love:
1. Count Chocula- yummy!
2. Veggie Burgers- you can buy them in the freezer section- they are good!
3. I just started watching The Office and it is pretty funny!
4. Sarah Jessica Parker's Line- Bitten- cheap and fabulous!
5. Going on walks at night for coffee breaks =]

p.s. Is anyone else watching Heroes??!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the job... yuck. But let me tell you, those crappy jobs really make you appreciate the good jobs!

I'm not watching Heroes, but I am a big fan of The Office. Gotta catch the new one tonight!

Anonymous said...

I just ate at an Applebee's last night and thought of you! I like the Quesadilla burger! Hope it doesn't suck too bad there, at least you got a tv out of the deal!