Thursday, November 29, 2007

And I am DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my last day at Applebee's which was exciting and I must say I am feeling relieved!! I start my new job on Monday and cannot wait to get started.
Here are some things I learned working as a server:

1. Tip generously because most people don't and it get frustrating 20% is a good start! Working for $3.43 and hour doesn't add up very fast.

2.Being rude and difficult to your server really doesn't accomplish anything.If anything it makes you look bad. If you don't like the restaurant or are a picky eater and you don't want to tip-eat at home!

3. Don't ignore your server when they are trying to talk to you. It is our job to see if everything is OK....don't get mad or annoyed! Again if you don't like it eat a home!

4. If you don't like the food tell your server right away don't eat it all and expct to get a free meal....

5. We know when people are coming in, trying to get free food......

6. It's Applebee's, you probably aren't going to get the world's finest dining! The menu has burgers and fries nothing too fancy Sorry!

7.Make sure if the server ask if you need anything else to say everything you need at one time. It is frustrating to keep running around for you, especially when there are 3 tables all doing it at the same time!

Ok that is it! I will remember this experience forever and I know I will never look at restaurants the same way again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to stick with it, Amanda! Isn't it nice to be done with food service? Hey, what were the menu items that you would recommend at Applebee's?